To create a post or page in WordPress, just follow steps:

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, select the Posts or Pages tab on the left hand side.
  2. Select the Add New button.
  3. Create a Title, and include anything you would like in the Body of the text.
  4. If you would like to see what your page would look like, select the Preview button.
  5. When you are satisfied with your post or page, you can select the Publish button to publish the page.

To edit a post or page in WordPress, just follow steps:

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, select the Posts or Pages tab on the left hand side
  2. Select the page or post you would like to edit.
  3. You will be brought to the editor page. From here, edit any part of the post or page you would like to change
  4. If you would like to see what your page would look like, select the Preview button.
  5. When you are satisfied with your post or page, you can select the Update button to update your article.

If you would like to delete a post or page:

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, select the Posts or Pages tab on the left hand side
  2. Select the trash link below the post or page you would like to delete.
  3. The page or post is now deleted.
  4. Should you want to restore any deleted page or post, select the Trash link at the top of the page. (If that link is not available, there are no pages in your Trash.)
  5. Under the page or post, the restore link will move the article out of the Trash. Additionally, the delete permanently link will remove the article for good.