As we enter the holiday season, we begin to think about what we’re thankful for. Here at Gatorworks, we are SO grateful for all of the new faces who have joined our team this year! As we continue to make monumental strides in digital marketing, it’s crucial for our clients’ success that our strategy is relevant and adaptable. After a thorough search for a strategist with the necessary skills and experience, we are thrilled to announce the newest member of our team here at Gatorworks: Digital Marketing Strategist Harrison Seagle!

Gatorworks Welcomes Harrison Seagle!

Read Harrison’s Personal Bio Here

What do you hope to accomplish as a strategist at Gatorworks? 

I want to help grow the businesses Gatorworks partners with and learn more about the industry in the process. I hope to look back and be able to say, “Wow, look how far we’ve come!” There is also a ton of potential to learn things outside of my wheelhouse, which I’m really looking forward to. 

What aspect of working at Gatorworks excites you most?

Working with some of the best people in the business. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in this office—I can’t wait to tap into it! The culture here is also exactly what I was looking for. It’s a lot easier to come to work every day when you enjoy the people you’re working with, the work you’re doing, and the process of getting that work done.

What is the coolest part of being above 6 feet, 5 inches tall? 

People might envy my height, but honestly, it causes a ton more problems than it solves! Well-fitting clothes are hard to find. Mirrors and counters are always too short. Watch your hea– ouch. But hey, I can reach things most people can’t, so that’s cool I guess. And no, I didn’t play basketball. 

What is something you never thought you’d be able to do until you actually did it? 

Last night, it was deciding on what to eat for dinner. The night before that it was also deciding on dinner. I think I have a problem…Seriously though, I would say significantly impacting someone’s life in a positive and intentional way. 

Tell us about a weird trait or pet peeve. Don’t be scared to be honest. 

I’ve got a bunch of pet peeves. I don’t like being interrupted or talked over. Pay attention when you drive. Be courteous. Put things back where you found them. Bonus weird trait: I generally eat food in a certain way and in a certain order. I always save the best bite for last. 

What’s your claim to fame? 

I don’t think I have one. I was in 255 Magazine once, that was cool. I guess I should work on that. Hey Siri, set a reminder: become famous.

Want to learn more about Harrison?

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